Combined Statistical Area (CSA):

Bloomsburg-Berwick-Sunbury, PA

Bloomsburg-Berwick-Sunbury, PA is a combined statistical area (CSA) comprising counties including Northumberland County, Montour County.

Housing Market Trends in the Bloomsburg-Berwick-Sunbury, PA Combined Statistical Area

There is no doubt that the Bloomsburg-Berwick-Sunbury, PA combined statistical area (CSA) has seen some major changes in the housing market over the past few years. The most notable trend has been the rise in prices for both home sales and rentals. According to data from Zillow, the median home value in the CSA was $129,900 in December 2016. This figure represents a 5.8% increase from December 2015, and a whopping 23.5% increase from December 2014! Not only are prices on the rise, but homes are also selling faster than ever before. The average days on market for a home in the CSA was just 72 days in December 2016, which is down significantly from 96 days in December 2015 and 120 days in December 2014.

Renters are also feeling the squeeze as prices continue to rise at a rapid pace. According to data from Rent Jungle, the average rent for an apartment in the CSA was $959 per month as of February 2017. This represents a 5% increase from February 2016 and a staggering 18% increase from February 2015! With prices rising so quickly, it's no wonder that many people are choosing to rent instead of buy these days.

Despite all of these trends, there is still good news to be found in the CSA housing market. For starters, interest rates remain low by historical standards, making now a great time to buy a home if you can afford it. Additionally, job growth remains strong in the region thanks to employers like Geisinger Health System and Weis Markets Inc., which helps to support demand for housing. So while prices may be high and rising quickly right now, there are still plenty of reasons to be optimistic about the future of real estate in this region

Counties in Bloomsburg-Berwick-Sunbury, PA

NameStateMetromicroFips State CodeFips County CodeRegion TypePopulation

Cities in Bloomsburg-Berwick-Sunbury, PA


Zip codes in Bloomsburg-Berwick-Sunbury, PA


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