Combined Statistical Area (CSA):

Denver-Aurora, CO

Denver-Aurora, CO is a combined statistical area (CSA) comprising counties including Adams County, Clear Creek County.

"What's Up With the Housing Market in Denver-Aurora, CO?"

There is no doubt that the Denver-Aurora, CO combined statistical area (CSA) is one of the hottest housing markets in the country right now. Home prices in the CSA have been on a tear over the past few years, and there is no end in sight. The combination of strong job growth, low interest rates, and limited supply of homes for sale has created a perfect storm for sellers.

If you are thinking about selling your home in the CSA, now is a great time to do so. Prices are at all-time highs and there is plenty of demand from buyers. In fact, homes are selling so quickly that many buyers are getting into bidding wars and paying well above asking price.

If you are thinking about buying a home in the CSA, be prepared to pay top dollar. Prices are not showing any signs of slowing down, so you will need to be prepared to pay more than you may have originally budgeted for. Additionally, be prepared to move quickly when you find a home you like – properties are not staying on the market for long right now!

Counties in Denver-Aurora, CO

NameStateMetromicroFips State CodeFips County CodeRegion TypePopulation

Cities in Denver-Aurora, CO


Zip codes in Denver-Aurora, CO


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