Combined Statistical Area (CSA):

Des Moines-Ames-West Des Moines, IA

Des Moines-Ames-West Des Moines, IA is a combined statistical area (CSA) comprising counties including Jasper County, Dallas County.

Housing Market Trends in the Des Moines-Ames-West Des Moines, IA Combined Statistical Area

There is no doubt that the Des Moines-Ames-West Des Moines, IA combined statistical area (CSA) is one of the hottest housing markets in the country right now. The combination of a strong economy, low unemployment rate, and historically low interest rates are all working together to create a perfect storm for the real estate market.

Prices in the CSA have been on the rise for several years now, and they don't show any signs of slowing down anytime soon. The median home price in the CSA is currently $250,000, which is up nearly 8% from last year. And it's not just prices that are increasing; the number of homes being sold is also on the rise. In fact, sales volume in the CSA was up nearly 10% last year.

All of these trends are good news for sellers in the CSA. If you're thinking about selling your home, now is a great time to do it. You can expect to get top dollar for your home, and there's a good chance it will sell quickly.

If you're a buyer in the CSA, you may be feeling frustrated by these trends. It's becoming increasingly difficult to find affordable homes in the CSA, especially if you're looking for something in move-in condition. However, if you're willing to be patient and flexible with your search criteria, you should eventually be able to find a great home that meets your needs and budget.

Counties in Des Moines-Ames-West Des Moines, IA

NameStateMetromicroFips State CodeFips County CodeRegion TypePopulation

Cities in Des Moines-Ames-West Des Moines, IA


Zip codes in Des Moines-Ames-West Des Moines, IA


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