Combined Statistical Area (CSA):

Idaho Falls-Rexburg-Blackfoot, ID

Idaho Falls-Rexburg-Blackfoot, ID is a combined statistical area (CSA) comprising counties including Fremont County, Butte County.

Housing Market Trends in the Idaho Falls-Rexburg-Blackfoot, ID Combined Statistical Area

There is no doubt that the Idaho Falls-Rexburg-Blackfoot, ID CSA is a hot housing market. The combination of strong job growth, low interest rates, and limited supply of homes for sale has resulted in rising prices and bidding wars for properties.

The average home price in the CSA has increased by double digits over the past year, and shows no signs of slowing down. The number of homes sold has also increased, as more buyers are competing for a limited number of properties.

The strong demand for housing is being driven by job growth in the region. The unemployment rate in the CSA is below 3%, which is well below the national average. Additionally, many of the jobs being created are in high-paying industries such as healthcare and technology.

With interest rates still near historic lows, now is an ideal time to buy a home in the Idaho Falls-Rexburg-Blackfoot CSA. However, buyers need to be prepared to act quickly and pay above asking price if they want to successfully purchase a property in this competitive market.

Counties in Idaho Falls-Rexburg-Blackfoot, ID

NameStateMetromicroFips State CodeFips County CodeRegion TypePopulation

Cities in Idaho Falls-Rexburg-Blackfoot, ID


Zip codes in Idaho Falls-Rexburg-Blackfoot, ID


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