Combined Statistical Area (CSA):

Lafayette-Opelousas-Morgan City, LA

Lafayette-Opelousas-Morgan City, LA is a combined statistical area (CSA) comprising counties including Iberia Parish, St. Martin Parish.

Housing Market Trends in the Lafayette-Opelousas-Morgan City CSA

There is no doubt that the Lafayette-Opelousas-Morgan City CSA has been one of the hardest hit areas in the country when it comes to the housing market. The area has seen a drastic decrease in home values, an increase in foreclosures and a decrease in new home construction. However, there are some signs that the market is beginning to rebound.

Home values in the CSA have begun to stabilize after years of decline and are even starting to increase in some areas. This is due, in part, to an increase in demand from buyers who are taking advantage of low prices. Additionally, the number of new home construction projects has begun to pick up, although it is still well below pre-recession levels.

Despite these positive trends, it is important to remember that the CSA housing market is still far from recovered. Foreclosures continue to be a problem and many homeowners are still struggling to make ends meet. However, if current trends continue, we should see a gradual improvement in the housing market over time.

Counties in Lafayette-Opelousas-Morgan City, LA

NameStateMetromicroFips State CodeFips County CodeRegion TypePopulation

Cities in Lafayette-Opelousas-Morgan City, LA


Zip codes in Lafayette-Opelousas-Morgan City, LA


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