Combined Statistical Area (CSA):

Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA

Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA is a combined statistical area (CSA) comprising counties including Riverside County, Los Angeles County.

The Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA CSA: Real Estate Trends in the Housing Market

There is no doubt that the Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA combined statistical area (CSA) is one of the most expensive housing markets in the country. The median home price in the CSA is over $700,000, and prices have been rising steadily for years. Despite this, there are still many people who are interested in buying property in the CSA. This is because the CSA is a very desirable place to live, and there are many job opportunities in the area.

One of the biggest trends in the CSA housing market right now is a move away from traditional single-family homes and towards more affordable options like condos and townhomes. This is especially true for first-time homebuyers and young families who are looking to get into the market. Another trend that we are seeing is an increase in demand for rental properties. This is likely due to the high cost of purchasing a home in the CSA, as well as the fact that many people who live in the CSA commute to work outside of the area.

Counties in Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA

NameStateMetromicroFips State CodeFips County CodeRegion TypePopulation

Cities in Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA


Zip codes in Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA


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