Combined Statistical Area (CSA):

Sioux City-Vermillion, IA-SD-NE

Sioux City-Vermillion, IA-SD-NE is a combined statistical area (CSA) comprising counties including Woodbury County, Dakota County.

Current Real Estate Trends in the Sioux City-Vermillion, IA-SD-NE CSA

There are many reasons to believe that the Sioux City-Vermillion, IA-SD-NE CSA is a great place to invest in real estate. The area has seen strong population growth in recent years, due in part to the presence of several major employers, including Tyson Foods and Gateway Computers. In addition, the cost of living in the CSA is relatively low compared to other parts of the country, making it an attractive option for families looking to relocate.

The housing market in the Sioux City-Vermillion CSA has been strong in recent years, with prices rising steadily. This trend is expected to continue as more people move into the area and competition for available homes increases. For investors looking to purchase property in the CSA, now is a good time to do so as values are likely to continue to appreciate.

Counties in Sioux City-Vermillion, IA-SD-NE

NameStateMetromicroFips State CodeFips County CodeRegion TypePopulation

Cities in Sioux City-Vermillion, IA-SD-NE


Zip codes in Sioux City-Vermillion, IA-SD-NE


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