Combined Statistical Area (CSA):

South Bend-Elkhart-Mishawaka, IN-MI

South Bend-Elkhart-Mishawaka, IN-MI is a combined statistical area (CSA) comprising counties including Elkhart County, Marshall County.

The Real Estate Market in the South Bend-Elkhart-Mishawaka, IN-MI Combined Statistical Area

There is no doubt that the South Bend-Elkhart-Mishawaka, IN-MI combined statistical area (CSA) has been one of the hardest hit areas in the nation when it comes to the housing market. The CSA was one of the areas that experienced a large influx of foreclosures and short sales during the housing crisis, and as a result, home prices have dropped significantly in recent years.

However, there are signs that the worst may be over for the CSA's housing market. Home prices have begun to rebound in many parts of the country, and while they are not back to their pre-recession levels, they are slowly but surely climbing back up. In addition, foreclosure rates have also begun to decline in recent years, which is another positive sign for the future of the CSA's housing market.

Of course, it is still too early to tell if these trends will continue or if the CSA's housing market will experience another downturn. However, if current trends hold true, it is possible that we could see a healthy housing market in the CSA within the next few years.

Counties in South Bend-Elkhart-Mishawaka, IN-MI

NameStateMetromicroFips State CodeFips County CodeRegion TypePopulation

Cities in South Bend-Elkhart-Mishawaka, IN-MI


Zip codes in South Bend-Elkhart-Mishawaka, IN-MI


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