Combined Statistical Area (CSA):

Syracuse-Auburn, NY

Syracuse-Auburn, NY is a combined statistical area (CSA) comprising counties including Oswego County, Onondaga County.

The Syracuse-Auburn, NY CSA: A Real Estate Trend Analysis

There is no doubt that the Syracuse-Auburn, NY combined statistical area (CSA) has seen some major changes in the housing market over the past few years. The most notable trend has been the rise in prices for both new and existing homes. This is due in large part to the strong economy and low interest rates that have made buying a home more affordable for many people.

Another trend that has been occurring is the move away from traditional single-family homes and towards more multifamily dwellings such as apartments and condos. This is likely due to the fact that these types of homes are generally more affordable than single-family homes, especially when considering the current price trends. Additionally, many people are now choosing to downsize their living space in order to save money or live in a more convenient location.

It is clear that there have been some major changes in the Syracuse-Auburn, NY CSA housing market recently. These trends are likely to continue into the future as more people look to take advantage of current market conditions.

Counties in Syracuse-Auburn, NY

NameStateMetromicroFips State CodeFips County CodeRegion TypePopulation

Cities in Syracuse-Auburn, NY


Zip codes in Syracuse-Auburn, NY


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