Federal Housing Finance Agency Home Price Index (FHFA HPI):

Cincinnati, OH-KY-IN Federal Housing Finance Agency Home Price Index (FHFA HPI)

Cincinnati, OH-KY-IN is a Federal Housing Finance Agency home price index that comprises counties including Bracken County, and Union County. Its most recent index value is 224.09.

Cincinnati's Real Estate Trends: Housing Market on the Rise

The Cincinnati, OH-KY-IN, Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) house price index (HPI) is a weighted, repeat-sales index that measures average price changes in repeat sales or refinancings on the same properties. The index covers single-family homes located within the geographic boundaries of Cincinnati, OH-KY-IN.

As of the fourth quarter of 2019, the FHFA HPI for Cincinnati was 176.4, down slightly from 176.8 in the third quarter. However, on a year-over-year basis, prices were up 3.1 percent from 171.3 in the fourth quarter of 2018. Home equity also increased over the past year, rising to an average of $163,000 in the fourth quarter of 2019 from $157,000 in the fourth quarter of 2018.

The slight decrease in prices from the third to fourth quarter of 2019 was likely due to seasonal factors such as cooler weather and fewer home sales during this time period. However, overall prices remain strong and have continued to rise steadily since bottoming out at 153.6 in early 2016. This is good news for homeowners in Cincinnati as it indicates that their home equity is likely increasing as well.

Price Index: Cincinnati, OH-KY-IN

Counties List for this HPI

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