Federal Housing Finance Agency Home Price Index (FHFA HPI):
Tallahassee, FL is a Federal Housing Finance Agency home price index that comprises counties including Leon County, and Wakulla County. Its most recent index value is 258.13.
In the fourth quarter of 2019, the Tallahassee, FL, Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) house price index (HPI) was 176.4. This value represents a decrease of 0.3 percent from the third quarter of 2019 and an increase of 3.8 percent from the fourth quarter of 2018. The HPI is a weighted, repeat-sales index, meaning that it measures average price changes in repeat sales or refinancings on the same properties.
The Tallahassee HPI is composed of data from home sales transactions and refinance mortgages covering all single-family detached homes, including condominiums and manufactured homes, in the metropolitan statistical area (MSA).
As of 2019 Q4, the median home value in Tallahassee was $186,700—an increase of $7,700 since 2018 Q4 ($179,000). Home values have risen steadily over the past few years in Tallahassee with only a few small dips along the way:
Quarter Home Value
2018 Q1 $172,200
2018 Q2 $174,100
2018 Q3 $178,400
2018 Q4 $179,000
2019 Q1 $182,100
2019 Q2 $184,500
2019 Q3 $185 200
Despite concerns about a potential housing market crash in 2020 due to Covid-19 pandemic job losses and other economic uncertainties—Tallahassee's housing market has remained strong throughout 2020 with home prices continuing to rise steadily:
Quarter Home Value Change from Previous Quarter Percent Change from Previous Quarter Percent Change from Same Quarter Last Year Home Sales Volume Average Days on Market Median Sale Price Percent of Original List Price Received Average Sale Price / Average List Price Months' Supply of Inventory Sold / Expired Ratio Distressed Sales Ratio Mortgage Delinquency Rate Mortgage Prepayment Rate Share Of Purchase Loans Originated For Borrowers With A Credit Score Below 620 Share Of Purchase Loans Originated For Borrowers With A Debt-To-Income Ratio Above 50% Jumbo Loan Origination Share First-Time Homebuyer Origination Share Conventional Loan Origination Share FHA Loan Origination Share VA Loan Origination Share Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) Loan Origination Share Interest Only Mortgage Loan Origination Share Balloon Mortgage LoanOriginationShare Other MortgagesOriginationshare Manufactured HousingOriginationshare ConstructionLoanOriginationshare RefinanceLoanOriginationshare HELOCLoanOriginationshare Non-Owner Occupied PropertyPurchaseLoanOriginationshare Cash Out RefinanceLoanOriginationshare Property Improvement/Rehabilitation/RenovationLoanOriginationshare Investment PropertyPurchaseLoanoriginationshare SecondHomePurchaseLoansoriginatingShare ManufacturedHousingRefinanceLoansoriginatingShare ConstructionRefinanceLoansoriginatingShare PropertyImprovement/Rehabilitation/RenovationRefinanceLoansoriginatingShare InvestmentPropertyRefinanceLoansoriginatingShare SecondHomeRefinanceLoans originating share Cash Out RefinancingloanstoBorrowers withaCreditScoreof620orbelow originating share Cash Out RefinancingloanstoBorrowers withaDebt-to-IncomeRatioof50%orabove originating share JumboCashOutRefinancingloanstoBorrowerswithaCreditScoreof620orbelow originating share JumboCashOutRefinancingloanstoBorrowerswithaDebt-to IncomeRatioof50%orabove originating share ARMrefinancesharesby loanpurposeandpropertytype InterestOnlyMortgagerefinancesharesby loanpurposeandpropertytype BalloonMortgagerefinancesharesby loanpurposeandpropertytype Othermortgagerefinancesharesby loanpurposeandpropertytype ManufacturedHousing refinancesharesby loanpurposeandpropertytype Construction refinanceshares by loan purpose and property type Rehabilitation/renovationrefinanceshares by loan purpose and property type InvestmentProperty refinanceshares by loan purpose and property type SecondHome refinanceshares by loan purpose and property type Cashoutshareofallmortgagerefinancetransactionsby borrower'screditscore Cashoutshareofallmortgagerefinancetransactionsby borrower'sdebttoincome ratio Jumbocashoutshareofallmortgagerefinancetransactionsby borrower'screditscore Jumbocashoutshareofallmortgagerefinancetransactionsby borrower'sdebttoincome ratio ARMcashoutshareoffirstlienmortgage refinancetransactions InterestOnlyMortgag cash out shares offirst lien mortgage refinancetr ansactions BalloonMortgag cash out shares offirst lien mortgage refinancetr ansactions Othercash out shares offirst lien mortgage refinancetran sactions ManufacturedHousing cash out shares offirst lien mortgage refinances tranasctions Constructioncash out shares offirst lien mortgage refinances tranasctions Rehabilitation/renovationcash out shares offirst lien mortgage refinances tranasctions InvestmentProperty cash out shares offirst lien mortgage refinances tranasctions SecondHome cash out shares offirst lien mortgage refinances tranasctions Allcashoutsharesoffirstlienmortgagere financies(Q12019) Allnon - purchase money second liens as ashareoftotalsecondliens(Q12019) Highcostarealoantransactionvolumeasa percentageoftotalpurchaseloatransaction volume(Q12019) Highcostarealoantransactionvolumeasa percentageoftotalsalesvolume(Q12019)
Price Index: Tallahassee, FL
Name | State | Metromicro | Fips State Code | Fips County Code | Region Type | Population |
Leon County | Florida | Metropolitan | 12 | 073 | Central | 289,746 |
Gadsden County | Florida | Metropolitan | 12 | 039 | Outlying | 45,945 |
Wakulla County | Florida | Metropolitan | 12 | 129 | Outlying | 32,723 |
Jefferson County | Florida | Metropolitan | 12 | 065 | Outlying | 13,867 |
Name | State | Population |
Tallahassee | Florida | 289,746 |
Crawfordville | Florida | 28,525 |
Quincy | Florida | 24,966 |
Monticello | Florida | 12,356 |
Havana | Florida | 11,314 |
Chattahoochee | Florida | 4,716 |
Midway | Florida | 3,221 |
Sopchoppy | Florida | 2,021 |
Panacea | Florida | 1,933 |
Lamont | Florida | 1,128 |
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
32361 | 383 | 64.5 | America/New_York | 30.35769 | -83.98860 | Wacissa | Jefferson County | Florida |
32336 | 1,128 | 2.4 | America/New_York | 30.25375 | -83.85901 | Lamont | Jefferson County | Florida |
32344 | 12,356 | 9.3 | America/New_York | 30.44055 | -83.90900 | Monticello | Jefferson County | Florida |
32330 | 651 | 74.6 | America/New_York | 30.57985 | -84.75048 | Greensboro | Gadsden County | Florida |
32332 | 1,077 | 92.7 | America/New_York | 30.61005 | -84.66868 | Gretna | Gadsden County | Florida |
32343 | 3,221 | 47 | America/New_York | 30.48489 | -84.47691 | Midway | Gadsden County | Florida |
32324 | 4,716 | 26 | America/New_York | 30.65250 | -84.79152 | Chattahoochee | Gadsden County | Florida |
32352 | 6,246 | 25 | America/New_York | 30.65117 | -84.58667 | Quincy | Gadsden County | Florida |
32333 | 11,314 | 41.3 | America/New_York | 30.60642 | -84.41261 | Havana | Gadsden County | Florida |
32351 | 18,720 | 34.5 | America/New_York | 30.52228 | -84.68182 | Quincy | Gadsden County | Florida |