Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA):

Blacksburg-Christiansburg-Radford, VA

Blacksburg-Christiansburg-Radford, VA is a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) comprising counties including Montgomery County,Radford city.

The Blacksburg-Christiansburg-Radford, VA Housing Market: Real Estate Trends to Watch

There is no doubt that the Blacksburg-Christiansburg-Radford, VA metropolitan statistical area (MSA) has seen some incredible real estate trends over the past few years. The most notable trend has been the rise in home prices, which have been increasing at a rapid pace. According to Zillow, the median home value in the Blacksburg-Christiansburg-Radford MSA was $247,600 in September 2018, which is a significant increase from the median home value of $215,000 just one year ago.

Another notable trend that has been occurring in the Blacksburg-Christiansburg-Radford MSA is the decrease in days on market. This means that homes are selling much faster than they were just a few years ago. In September 2018, homes were selling in an average of 54 days, which is down from an average of 72 days just one year ago.

The decrease in days on market can be attributed to several factors, but one of the most likely reasons is that there are more buyers than there are homes for sale. This has created a seller's market in which buyers are competing against each other for available properties. As a result, sellers are able to command higher prices and buyers are often forced to pay more than they would like to get their desired home.

If you're thinking about buying a home in the Blacksburg-Christiansburg-Radford MSA, you need to be prepared to act fast and be willing to pay more than you may have originally budgeted for your dream home. However, even though prices have risen significantly over the past few years, they are still relatively affordable when compared to other parts of Virginia and across the country. So if you're looking for a place to call home where you can enjoy all that this beautiful area has to offer without breaking the bank, then this MSA should definitely be at

Counties in Blacksburg-Christiansburg-Radford, VA

NameStateMetromicroFips State CodeFips County CodeRegion TypePopulation

Cities in Blacksburg-Christiansburg-Radford, VA


Zip codes in Blacksburg-Christiansburg-Radford, VA


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