Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA):

College Station-Bryan, TX

College Station-Bryan, TX is a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) comprising counties including Brazos County,Robertson County.

The Real Estate Market in the College Station-Bryan, TX Metropolitan Statistical Area

There are many factors influencing the real estate market in the College Station-Bryan, TX metropolitan statistical area (MSA). The following is a brief overview of some of the most important trends affecting the housing market in this region.

The population of the MSA has been growing steadily in recent years, due in part to the presence of Texas A&M University. This has led to increased demand for both rental properties and owner-occupied homes. The average rent for an apartment in College Station is now $934 per month, while the median price of a home is $219,500.

The vacancy rate for apartments has been declining as well, reaching a low of 3.1% in 2017. This tightness in the rental market has caused rents to rise even further. Meanwhile, the homeownership rate in the MSA has remained relatively flat over the past few years, hovering around 63%.

Investors have been active in the MSA's real estate market as well, snapping up properties to convert into student housing or to rent out to other tenants. This activity has helped drive up prices for both single-family homes and multifamily units.

Looking ahead, it is expected that population growth and continued investment will keep upward pressure on prices across all sectors of the MSA's real estate market.

Counties in College Station-Bryan, TX

NameStateMetromicroFips State CodeFips County CodeRegion TypePopulation

Cities in College Station-Bryan, TX


Zip codes in College Station-Bryan, TX


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