Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA):

Lawton, OK

Lawton, OK is a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) comprising counties including Comanche County,Cotton County.

"Lawton, OK Real Estate Trends: The Housing Market is on the Rise!"

There are many factors influencing the real estate market in the Lawton, OK metropolitan statistical area (MSA). The following is a brief overview of some of the most important trends affecting the housing market in this region.

The population of the Lawton MSA is growing at a healthy rate, which is good news for the housing market. The area has seen an influx of new residents in recent years, due to both natural population growth and people moving here from other parts of the country. This increased demand for housing has helped to drive up prices and rental rates.

The job market in Lawton is also strong, with unemployment remaining low and wages on the rise. This is another positive factor for the housing market, as more people with steady incomes are able to afford to buy or rent homes. Additionally, many companies are relocating or expanding their operations to Lawton, which creates even more jobs and further boosts the economy.

One trend that has had a negative impact on the Lawton housing market is the decrease in military personnel stationed at Fort Sill. This has led to fewer people buying or renting homes in the area, as many soldiers and their families have moved away. However, this trend appears to be stabilizing and may even reverse itself in the coming years as more troops are deployed to Fort Sill.

Counties in Lawton, OK

NameStateMetromicroFips State CodeFips County CodeRegion TypePopulation

Cities in Lawton, OK


Zip codes in Lawton, OK


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