Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA):

Marion, IN

Marion, IN is a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) comprising counties including Grant County.

Housing Market Trends in the Marion, IN Metropolitan Statistical Area

There is no doubt that the Marion, IN metropolitan statistical area (MSA) has seen some real estate trends in the housing market over the past few years. Some of these trends have been good for those looking to buy or sell a home, while others have not been so favorable. However, one thing is certain – the MSA is a great place to live, work, and raise a family.

One of the most positive trends in the MSA’s housing market has been the increase in home values. According to Zillow, the median home value in Marion is $103,100, which is an increase of nearly 5% from last year. This trend is expected to continue as more and more people are looking to purchase a home in the MSA.

Another positive trend has been the decrease in crime rates. According to FBI data, violent crime rates in Marion have decreased by nearly 20% over the past five years. This decrease has made the MSA a much safer place to live and has helped to increase home values as well.

Unfortunately, not all trends have been positive in recent years. One negative trend that has emerged is an increase in foreclosures. In 2017 alone, there were nearly 200 foreclosures filed in Marion County – an increase of nearly 30% from 2016 levels. This trend has caused some families to lose their homes and has put downward pressure on home values in some areas of the MSA.

Despite some negative trends emerging in recent years, overall it remains a great time to buy or sell a home in Marion County. With strong job growth and increasing home values, now is a great time to take advantage of all that this wonderful MSA has to offer!

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