Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA):

Milledgeville, GA

Milledgeville, GA is a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) comprising counties including Hancock County,Baldwin County.

Housing Market Trends in the Milledgeville, GA Metropolitan Statistical Area

There is no doubt that the Milledgeville, GA metropolitan statistical area (MSA) is a hotbed for real estate activity. The combination of a strong economy and favorable housing market conditions has resulted in robust demand for both residential and commercial properties.

As we enter 2019, it is clear that the Milledgeville MSA real estate market remains strong. Home sales are up, prices are rising, and there is still plenty of interest from buyers looking to take advantage of these trends. Here is a closer look at some of the most notable real estate trends in the Milledgeville MSA:

1) Home Sales Are Up: According to data from the Georgia MLS, home sales in the Milledgeville MSA were up 9% in 2018 compared to 2017. This trend looks set to continue into 2019 as buyers remain confident in the strength of the local economy and job market.

2) Prices Are Rising: Along with increased demand, home prices in the Milledgeville MSA have also been on the rise. The median sales price for a home in the area was $182,500 in 2018, up 5% from 2017. With limited supply and strong demand, prices are expected to continue to rise throughout 2019.

3) Buyers Are Still Interested: Despite rising prices, there is still plenty of interest from buyers looking to purchase property in the Milledgeville MSA. In fact, homes are selling fast with properties spending an average of just 45 days on the market before being sold. This indicates that buyers are willing to pay more for properties that they perceive as being undervalued or a good deal.

Counties in Milledgeville, GA

NameStateMetromicroFips State CodeFips County CodeRegion TypePopulation

Cities in Milledgeville, GA


Zip codes in Milledgeville, GA


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