Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA):

Salinas, CA

Salinas, CA is a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) comprising counties including Monterey County.

Salinas, CA Real Estate Trends: The Housing Market

There is no doubt that the Salinas, CA metropolitan statistical area (MSA) is one of the most desirable places to live in the United States. The combination of beautiful weather, stunning scenery, and close proximity to major metropolitan areas makes it a highly sought-after destination for both homebuyers and renters alike.

As such, it should come as no surprise that the Salinas MSA has seen a significant amount of growth in its housing market over the past few years. According to data from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), the median sales price of homes in the Salinas MSA increased by nearly 8% from 2017 to 2018, while the number of homes sold rose by almost 5%.

Looking ahead, it is expected that these trends will continue in 2019 and beyond. The NAR predicts that the median sales price of homes in the Salinas MSA will increase by another 4% this year, while the number of homes sold is expected to rise by 3%. This continued growth is being driven by strong economic conditions, including low unemployment and rising wages. Additionally, more people are moving to California from other parts of the country due to its favorable climate and quality of life.

With all this said, now is an excellent time to buy or sell a home in the Salinas MSA. If you are thinking about making a move, be sure to consult with a experienced real estate agent who can help you navigate this ever-changing market.

Cities in Salinas, CA


Zip codes in Salinas, CA


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