Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA):

Taos, NM

Taos, NM is a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) comprising counties including Taos County.

Real Estate Trends in the Taos, NM Housing Market

There is no doubt that the Taos, NM metropolitan statistical area (MSA) is one of the most beautiful places in the United States. With its stunning natural scenery and its vibrant cultural scene, it is no wonder that the housing market in Taos is booming.

The median home value in Taos is $325,000, which is an increase of 8.1% over the past year and a forecasted increase of 4.9% over the next year. The median price per square foot for homes in Taos is $196, which is an increase of 7.4% over the past year and a forecasted increase of 5.2% over the next year. The average rent for apartments in Taos is $1,195, which is an increase of 3.6% over the past year and a forecasted increase of 2.8% over the next year.

There are several factors driving these trends in the Taos housing market:

1) The population of Taos County has been growing steadily for years, and shows no signs of slowing down. This population growth has led to increased demand for housing, which has driven up prices and rents.

2) The economy in Taos County is strong and diversified, with many different industries providing good jobs for residents. This economic stability has made Taos an attractive place to live for people looking to relocate from other parts of the country (or world).

3) The tourism industry plays a big role in the economy of Taos County, and as more people visit (and fall in love with) this beautiful region, they are increasingly likely to buy second homes here or even relocate permanently. This demand from out-of-towners has helped drive up prices across all types of housing units – from apartments to single-family homes to luxury properties

Cities in Taos, NM


Zip codes in Taos, NM


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