
North Carolina

North Carolina (abbreviated as NC) is a state in the United States with a population of roughly 10,042,802 and covers an area 53,819 square miles. Its capital is Raleigh. Its counties include Watauga County. Its cities include Parmele and Gloucester.

North Carolina: A Real Estate Investor's Dream

There are many innovative real estate investing opportunities in the different counties of North Carolina. One county that offers great potential for investors is Durham County. Durham is home to Duke University, which creates a large demand for rental properties. In addition, the city of Raleigh is located nearby, providing easy access to jobs and amenities. Another county with promising real estate prospects is Wake County. The state capital, Raleigh, is located here, along with numerous other businesses and organizations. This creates a strong demand for both commercial and residential properties.

Cities in North Carolina


Counties in North Carolina

NameStateMetromicroFips State CodeFips County CodeRegion TypePopulation

Zip codes in North Carolina


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