Zip Code:

01005, Barre, MA

01005 is a Massachusetts Zip code within the city of Barre and the county of Worcester County. Its population is roughly 5,128.

The Real Estate Market in the 1005 Zip Code of Barre, MA

The 1005 zip code of Barre, MA has a median home value of $158,000. This is significantly higher than the Massachusetts statewide median home value of $146,500. The 1005 zip code also has a significantly higher home equity percentage than the statewide average of 59%. This indicates that homeowners in this zip code are more likely to have a significant amount of equity in their homes than homeowners statewide.

One possible explanation for these high home values and high home equity percentages is that the 1005 zip code is located in a desirable area. Barre is located in central Massachusetts and has many amenities, including excellent schools and plenty of job opportunities. Additionally, the area is well-maintained and there are few crime rates to worry about. These factors may contribute to why so many homeowners in this zip code have a lot of equity in their homes.

Price Index: Worcester, MA-CT

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