Zip Code:

01301, Greenfield, MA

01301 is a Massachusetts Zip code within the city of Greenfield and the county of Franklin County. Its population is roughly 17,617.

The Real Estate Market in the 1301 Zip Code of Greenfield, MA

The 1301 zip code of Greenfield, MA has a median home value of $236,000. This is a decrease from the median home value of $248,000 in 2016. The decrease in home values is likely due to the current market conditions.

Home equity is an important part of homeownership and can be used for many purposes such as paying off debt, investing in assets or taking out a loan to purchase a new home. Home equity can also be used to pay for expenses such as taxes and insurance on the property.

There are many factors that affect home prices including interest rates, supply and demand, local economic conditions and government regulations. The 1301 zip code of Greenfield has a relatively low population density which may contribute to the lower median home values.

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