Zip Code:

01342, Deerfield, MA

01342 is a Massachusetts Zip code within the city of Deerfield and the county of Franklin County. Its population is roughly 1,259.

The Real Estate Market in the 1342 Zip Code of Deerfield, MA

Deerfield, MA is a suburban town located in western Massachusetts. The population of Deerfield was 34,814 as of the 2010 census. Deerfield is a wealthy town, with an average household income of over $100,000. Home prices in Deerfield are among the highest in Massachusetts.

The 1342 zip code covers most of Deerfield and has a population of approximately 12,000. The median home value in this zip code is $1,085,000. This makes the 1342 zip code one of the wealthiest zip codes in Massachusetts. In addition to high home values, homes in this zip code are also sold quickly. As of February 2016 there were 1 active listings for homes in this zip code and only 2 days on the market (compared to an average 7 day market time for all MA ZIP codes).

One reason for the high home values and quick sales in the 1342 zip code is that it is located near many affluent suburbs such as Westborough and Lexington. These suburbs have a large number of wealthy residents who are looking for safe neighborhoods with good schools and access to amenities such as shopping and recreation facilities. Additionally, many new homes being built in Deerfield are luxury homes that command high prices due to their location and features such as gourmet kitchens or large yards.

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