Zip Code:

02135, Brighton, MA

02135 is a Massachusetts Zip code within the city of Brighton and the county of Suffolk County. Its population is roughly 44,951.

The Real Estate Market in the 2135 Zip Code of Brighton, MA

The 2135 zip code of Brighton, MA is home to a population of about 25,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $101,000, and the median home value is $422,500. This means that the average home equity in this zip code is $269,500.

The average home equity in the United States is $184,200. This means that the average home equity in the 2135 zip code of Brighton, MA is more than twice as high as the national average.

There are a number of reasons why homes in the 2135 zip code of Brighton, MA are worth more than homes elsewhere in the country. One reason is that there are a lot more wealthy people living in this area than there are elsewhere in America. Another reason is that there are a lot fewer houses for sale here than there are elsewhere in America. Finally, homes here tend to be newer and larger than homes elsewhere in America.

Price Index: Boston, MA (MSAD)

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