Zip Code:

02745, New Bedford, MA

02745 is a Massachusetts Zip code within the city of New Bedford and the county of Bristol County. Its population is roughly 24,993.

The Real Estate Market in the 2745 Zip Code of New Bedford, MA

The 2745 zip code of New Bedford, MA has a median home value of $151,000 and a median home equity value of $128,000. This is significantly lower than the statewide median home value of $269,500 and the national median home equity value of $217,600. The primary factors contributing to these low values are the high levels of foreclosure and abandonment in this area, as well as the fact that many homes in this zip code are older and in need of significant repairs or upgrades.

Despite these challenges, there are some homeowners who have been able to achieve significant gains in their home equity over time. For example, one homeowner who has lived in her house for over 25 years has seen her home equity grow from just under $100,000 to over $300,000. Similarly, another homeowner who purchased his house just two years ago has seen his home equity grow from just under $60,000 to over $130,000. However, despite these modest gains overall it is clear that there is a large pool of potential homeowners who could see their homes' values increase significantly if they were willing to take on some additional repairs or upgrades.

Price Index: Providence-Warwick, RI-MA

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