Zip Code:

03445, Sullivan, NH

03445 is a New Hampshire Zip code within the city of Sullivan and the county of Cheshire County. Its population is roughly 797.

The Real Estate Market in the 3445 Zip Code of Sullivan, NH.

The 3445 zip code of Sullivan, NH is located in the southeastern corner of New Hampshire and includes the towns of Bedford, Bradford, Claremont, Conway, Exeter, Greenland, Londonderry and Merrimack. The median home value in this zip code was $191,500 as of September 30th 2016. Home prices have increased by 5.4% over the past year and by 10.5% over the past three years.

There are a total of 1,811 homes in this zip code which makes up 49% of all housing units. The majority (1,521) of homes are single family dwellings while there are also a significant number (262) of multi-family dwellings present. There is an average size home in this zip code with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. The median age for homes in this zip code is 44 years old which is slightly higher than the national average for home ownership at 37 years old.

The most common type of employment within this zip code is professional services which employs approximately 29% of workers within this area. Other major industries include health care (14%), retail trade (10%) and manufacturing (9%). Approximately 54% percent of households within this zipcode have children under 18 living with them while 26% have adults aged 65 or older living alone who are not disabled or elderly/retired.

Home equity has been on the rise for many homeowners in Sullivan since 2013 when it peaked at $236,000 before slowly declining to its current level ($191,500). This increase can be largely attributed to an increase in home prices across New Hampshire as a whole (+6%) as well as an increase in interest rates (+0%). However despite these increases there has been a decrease (-2%)in mortgage rates over the same time period so it seems that even if you can’t afford to buy outright you may still be able to get into your dream home through a mortgage if you qualify for one!

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