Zip Code:

04102, Portland, ME

04102 is a Maine Zip code within the city of Portland and the county of Cumberland County. Its population is roughly 17,612.

The Real Estate Market in the 4102 Zip Code of Portland, Maine

The 4102 zip code of Portland, ME has a median home value of $174,000. This is higher than the statewide median home value of $146,500. The 4102 zip code also has a lower than average population density of just 1,827 people per square mile which contributes to its high home values.

The majority of homes in the 4102 zip code are owned by individuals or couples. The average age of a home in this zip code is around 37 years old which is slightly older than the statewide average age of 34 years old. The percentage of single-family homes in this zip code is much higher than the statewide percentage which is around 60%. This may be due to the fact that there are not as many multi-unit buildings in this area as there are in other parts of Maine.

Home prices have been on the rise for most of 2018 and 2019 according to Zillow data. In January 2019, Zillow reported that the median home value was up 5% from January 2018 and up 12% from January 2017. Home prices have also been increasing rapidly throughout much of Maine over the past few years with some areas seeing increases as high as 30%. While there may be some areas where prices have increased more than others, it appears that overall prices across all areas within Maine are rising at a similar rate.

Price Index: Portland-South Portland, ME

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