Zip Code:

04574, Washington, ME

04574 is a Maine Zip code within the city of Washington and the county of Knox. Its population is roughly 1,447.

The Real Estate Market in the 4574 Zip Code of Washington, Maine

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 4574 Zip Code of Washington, ME

The home equity and home prices in the 4574 zip code of Washington, ME are very high. The median home value is $269,900 and the median home equity is $157,000. This makes this zip code one of the most expensive in Maine. The high home values are likely due to the close proximity to Boston and its many affluent residents. Additionally, the area has a strong economy with many jobs in technology and other high-paying industries.

Despite the high prices, there are still many opportunities for homeowners in this zip code. The average commute time is only 26 minutes which is very low compared to other areas of Maine. Additionally, there are many affordable homes available in this area that would be perfect for families looking to buy their first home or upgrade from their current residence.

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