Zip Code:

04901, Waterville, ME

04901 is a Maine Zip code within the city of Waterville and the county of Kennebec County. Its population is roughly 26,888.

The Real Estate Market in Waterville, Maine

The Waterville, ME 4901 zip code has a median home value of $101,000. The Waterville, ME 4901 zip code has a median household income of $51,250. The Waterville, ME 4901 zip code is home to approximately 1,500 households.

The Waterville, ME 4901 zip code has seen an increase in home equity over the past five years. In 2012 the median home equity was $86,000. In 2016 the median home equity increased to $101,000. This increase can be attributed to an increase in house prices and an increase in household incomes. Over the past five years there have been significant increases in both house prices and household incomes in the Waterville, ME 4901 zip code. This trend is likely to continue as more people move into the area and find that they can afford to buy a house here.

One factor that may have contributed to this trend is that Waterville is experiencing a population growth rate of 2%. This means that there are more people moving into the area and buying houses than there are people leaving the area and selling their houses. As more people move into the area and buy houses, they are able to raise their house prices and gain more equity in their homes. Additionally, as wages continue to grow overall (especially for high-income earners), more people are able to afford to buy homes here without having too much difficulty making monthly payments on their mortgages or rent payments.

Overall it seems likely that the Waterville, ME 4901 zip code will continue seeing an increase in its median home value over time as long as there continues to be strong demand for homes here and as long as wages continue to grow overall

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