Zip Code:

04937, Fairfield, ME

04937 is a Maine Zip code within the city of Fairfield and the county of Somerset. Its population is roughly 6,488.

Real Estate in the 4937 Zip Code of Fairfield, Maine

The zip code of 4937 in Fairfield, Maine is home to a population of just over 10,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is just over $60,000, and the median home value is around $220,000. In recent years, the homeownership rate in this zip code has been around 67%, which is above the national average of 63%.

There are a number of factors that have contributed to the high homeownership rate in this zip code. First and foremost, Fairfield is a relatively affluent area with a high median income. Second, there are a number of well-maintained homes in this area which tend to be more expensive than homes in other parts of town. Finally, Fairfield has seen very little residential development over the past few years which has kept prices low relative to other areas of town.

While homeownership rates in this zip code are high, there are some indications that they may not be sustainable over the long term. For one thing, the area has seen an influx of young families who may not be able to afford to buy homes on their own given rising prices and stagnant wages. Additionally, many older residents may be selling their homes due to retirement or downsizing needs but may not be able to find buyers at current prices. If these trends continue then it's possible that homeownership rates in this zip code will decline over time

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