Zip Code:

05401, Burlington, VT

05401 is a Vermont Zip code within the city of Burlington and the county of Chittenden County. Its population is roughly 28,909.

The Real Estate Market in the 5401 Zip Code of Burlington, VT

Burlington is a city located in the U.S. state of Vermont. According to the 2010 census, Burlington had a population of 36,098. The median household income was $60,288 and the median family income was $71,711. The per capita income was $27,814.

The 5401 zip code covers much of Burlington including the downtown area as well as many suburban neighborhoods including South Burlington, Winooski and East Arlington. Home prices in this zip code have been increasing steadily over the past several years and are now among some of the highest in Vermont. As of September 2017, there were a total of 8,919 homes for sale in this zip code with an average list price of $319,000. The average home size is 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom which suggests that most homes in this zip code are either single-family or duplexes. In terms of demographics, this zip code is mostly made up of families with children who tend to live close to one another in suburban neighborhoods while singles and couples are more likely to live downtown or on the outskirts of town near colleges or other amenities.

Price Index: Burlington-South Burlington, VT

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