Zip Code:

05653, Eden Mills, VT

05653 is a Vermont Zip code within the city of Eden Mills and the county of Lamoille. Its population is roughly 601.

The Real Estate Market in the 5653 Zip Code of Eden Mills, VT.

The 5653 zip code of Eden Mills, VT has a median home value of $269,000 and a median home equity value of $141,000. This is higher than the Vermont median home value of $162,500 and the national median home equity value of $142,700. The 5653 zip code also has a lower than average homeownership rate at just 54%. This is lower than the Vermont homeownership rate of 57% and the national homeownership rate of 63%.

One reason that the 5653 zip code has a higher than average home equity value is that it has a high percentage of owner-occupied homes. In fact, almost two-thirds (64%) of homes in this zip code are owner-occupied. This compares to the Vermont homeownership rate of 57% and the national homeownership rate of 63%. Another reason for this high home equity value is that there are relatively few mortgages in this zip code. Only 8%of homes in this zip code have mortgages compared to the statewide average mortgage percentage of 14%. This low mortgage percentage likely contributes to the high home equity values in this zip code.

Despite having a high home equity value, there are still many people who are struggling to afford their homes in Eden Mills. The 5653 zip code has a poverty rate of 26%, which is higher than both the statewide poverty rate (21%) and the national poverty rate (15%). Additionally, nearly one-third (32%)of households in this zipcode earn less than $30,000 per year, which is significantly higher than both the statewide poverty level (20%) and national poverty level (15%). These statistics show that even with high home equity values, many people in Eden Mills still struggle financially.

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