Zip Code:

05661, Morrisville, VT

05661 is a Vermont Zip code within the city of Morrisville and the county of Lamoille. Its population is roughly 5,826.

The Real Estate Market in the 5661 Zip Code of Morrisville, VT

Morrisville, VT is located in the 5661 zip code. The median home value in this zip code is $174,000. The median home equity in this zip code is $101,000. There are a total of 8 homes for sale in this zip code. The average list price for these homes is $181,500. This means that the average home equity in Morrisville, VT is approximately $101,000 higher than the average home value.

The percentage of homes that are currently available for sale in Morrisville, VT is at 97%. This means that there are a total of 8 homes for sale and 97% of these homes are currently available for purchase. The percentage of homes that have been sold in Morrisville, VT over the past 12 months is at 95%. This means that there have been a total of 7 homes sold and 95% of these sales were completed within the past 12 months.

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