Zip Code:

05672, Stowe, VT

05672 is a Vermont Zip code within the city of Stowe and the county of Lamoille. Its population is roughly 4,426.

The Real Estate Market in the 5672 Zip Code of Stowe, VT.

The 5672 zip code of Stowe, VT has a median home value of $269,000 and a median home equity value of $146,000. These values are significantly higher than the Vermont statewide median home value of $154,400 and statewide median home equity value of $130,700. The 5672 zip code also has a significantly higher percentage of homes with a mortgage (72%) than the statewide percentage (57%). This may be due to the high prices in this zip code or the relatively high incomes in this area.

The average monthly payment on a mortgage in the 5672 zip code is $1,812 which is more than double the statewide average monthly payment of $746. This may be due to the high prices in this area or because there are more expensive homes available for sale in this zip code. The 5672 zip code also has a significantly lower percentage of homeowners who owe more on their mortgage than their home is worth (5%) than the statewide percentage (10%). This may be due to either lower prices or less risky mortgages in this area.

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