Zip Code:

05737, Chittenden, VT

05737 is a Vermont Zip code within the city of Chittenden and the county of Rutland County. Its population is roughly 1,021.

The Real Estate Market in the 5737 Zip Code of Chittenden, VT.

The 5737 zip code of Chittenden, VT has a median home value of $181,000 and a median home equity value of $119,000. The average home in this zip code was built in 1978 and is 2,547 square feet. This zip code has a population of 9,859 people and 5% of them are over the age of 65. The median household income in this zip code is $60,833 which is lower than the Vermont average household income of $71,176.

The majority (84%) of homes in the 5737 zip code are owner-occupied while 16% are rented. The average length of time that homes have been owned in this zip code is 10 years while the average length of time that homes have been rented is 6 years. Homeownership rates are higher than rental rates in this zip code because it typically takes longer for someone to become a homeowner than it does to become a renter. In addition, homeownership rates tend to be higher in areas with lower crime rates and lower unemployment rates.

The cost of living in the 5737 zip code is relatively high when compared to other areas within Vermont. The cost of groceries alone costs an average family more than twice as much here as it does across the state line in Bennington County. Additionally, housing costs are significantly higher here than they are across the state line or even within Burlington County which borders on Chittenden County to the south. However, despite these high costs homeownership rates remain high due to low interest rates and long term stability within local economies which makes investing in property here more lucrative over time than elsewhere within Vermont or even nationally.

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