Zip Code:

06355, Mystic, CT

06355 is a Connecticut Zip code within the city of Mystic and the county of New London County. Its population is roughly 12,628.

The Real Estate Market in the 6355 Zip Code of Mystic, CT

The Mystic, CT 6355 zip code has a median home value of $269,500 and a median home equity of $146,000. The zip code has seen an increase in home values over the past five years, with a growth rate of 9.5%. This is likely due to the strong economy and increasing demand for housing in the area.

There are a number of factors that can affect home prices, including interest rates, supply and demand, and local economic conditions. While there is no one definitive answer to whether or not the Mystic 6355 zip code will continue to see increased home values over the next five years, based on current trends it seems likely.

Price Index: Norwich-New London, CT

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