Zip Code:

06457, Middletown, CT

06457 is a Connecticut Zip code within the city of Middletown and the county of Middlesex County. Its population is roughly 46,511.

The Real Estate Market in the 6457 Zip Code of Middletown, CT

The 6457 zip code of Middletown, CT has a population of approximately 30,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $92,000 and the median home value is $236,000. The average home equity in this zip code is $101,500.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the high home equity values in the 6457 zip code of Middletown. First and foremost, this area has a high concentration of affluent residents who are able to afford to purchase homes that are worth a significant amount of money. Additionally, the local economy has been strong over the past few years which has led to increased demand for homes and increased prices for properties within this zip code. Finally, there is also a limited supply of homes available for sale in the 6457 zip code which contributes to high prices.

Price Index: Hartford-East Hartford-Middletown, CT

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