Zip Code:

07065, Rahway, NJ

07065 is a New Jersey Zip code within the city of Rahway and the county of Union County. Its population is roughly 29,543.

The Real Estate Market in the 7065 Zip Code of Rahway, NJ

Rahway, NJ is located in Union County and has a population of approximately 94,000. The home equity and home prices in the 7065 zip code are reflective of the overall market conditions in Rahway. In 2017, the median home value was $269,500 and the median home equity was $145,700. These values have increased by 2% and 4%, respectively, since 2016.

The majority of homes in the 7065 zip code are owner-occupied. The average household size is 2.6 people and there are an average of 1.8 bedrooms per dwelling. The percentage of households that own their homes outright is 73%, while 27% have a mortgage on their homes. The percentage of households that rent is 5%.

The average commute to work for residents in the 7065 zip code is 26 minutes. The percentage of workers that commutes by car is 85%. The percentage of workers that commutes by public transportation is 3%.

Price Index: Newark, NJ-PA (MSAD)

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