Zip Code:

07753, Neptune, NJ

07753 is a New Jersey Zip code within the city of Neptune and the county of Monmouth County. Its population is roughly 36,860.

Neptune's Real Estate Market

The home equity and home prices in the 7753 zip code of Neptune, NJ are very high. The median home value in this zip code is $1,049,000, which is more than double the national median home value of $269,500. The average home equity in this zip code is $283,000. This means that homeowners in this zip code have a significant amount of equity in their homes.

There are a number of reasons why the home equity and home prices in the 7753 zip code of Neptune, NJ are so high. First, there is a large number of affluent residents living in this area. Second, the area has been experiencing strong growth over the past few years. Third, there is a lot of demand for housing stock in this zip code due to its proximity to both New York City and Philadelphia. Fourth, there are relatively few homes available for sale compared to other areas of Neptune Township. Finally, many homeowners here have taken advantage of low interest rates over the past few years to increase their equity holdings in their homes.

Price Index: New York-Jersey City-White Plains, NY-NJ (MSAD)

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