Zip Code:

08103, Camden, NJ

08103 is a New Jersey Zip code within the city of Camden and the county of Camden County. Its population is roughly 14,885.

The Real Estate Market in the 8103 Zip Code of Camden, NJ

The Camden, NJ 8103 zip code is located in the southern portion of the city and has a population of about 128,000. The median home value in this zip code is $166,500 and the median home equity is $130,000. The average home price growth over the past year has been about 5%.

There are a number of factors that have contributed to the high home values in this zip code. First, Camden is a desirable location with plenty of amenities and opportunities for growth. Second, there are a lot of families who have been able to purchase homes here over the past few years because of strong job growth and low interest rates. Finally, many homeowners have taken advantage of generous incentives available through the government or through their mortgage companies.

Price Index: Camden, NJ (MSAD)

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