Zip Code:

08757, Toms River, NJ

08757 is a New Jersey Zip code within the city of Toms River and the county of Ocean County. Its population is roughly 33,737.

The Real Estate Market in the 8757 Zip Code of Toms River, NJ.

The 8757 zip code of Toms River, NJ has a population of around 36,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $101,000 which is above the national median household income of $59,445. This high median household income likely reflects the presence of many affluent families in this area. Home prices in this zip code are also high relative to the national average. As of March 2019, the median home price in this zip code was $369,500 which is more than double the national median home price of $161,900.

One factor that may contribute to high home prices and home equity values in the 8757 zip code is that Toms River is a relatively affluent area. The percentage of households earning over $100,000 annually is above the national average and there are a large number of wealthy residents who may be able to afford to buy or build homes worth a significant amount of money. Additionally, Toms River has been experiencing strong economic growth over recent years which may have led to increased demand for housing and higher home prices.

Price Index: New York-Jersey City-White Plains, NY-NJ (MSAD)

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