Zip Code:

08807, Bridgewater, NJ

08807 is a New Jersey Zip code within the city of Bridgewater and the county of Somerset County. Its population is roughly 38,136.

The Real Estate Market in the 8807 Zip Code of Bridgewater, NJ

The 8807 zip code of Bridgewater, NJ has a median home value of $269,900 and a median home equity of $101,000. The 8807 zip code has a population of 5,827 and an average household size of 2.57 people. The median age in the 8807 zip code is 36 years old.

There are 1,521 households in the 8807 zip code with an average household size of 2.57 people. The median income for households in the 8807 zip code is $111,500 and the median house value is $269,900. Approximately 54% of households in the 8807 zip code have children under the age of 18 living with them, which is lower than the national average (60%).

The percentage of households that own their homes outright is lower than the national average (63%) but higher than the percentage that owns their homes with a mortgage (46%). The percentage of households that rent is also higher than the national average (34%).

The percentage of homeowners who owe more on their mortgage than their home's market value is higher than both the national average (10%) and the percentage that owes less (7%).

The percent change in home values from January 1st to December 31st over this period was -1%. This means that over this period prices decreased by 1%.

Price Index: Newark, NJ-PA (MSAD)

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