Zip Code:

08901, New Brunswick, NJ

08901 is a New Jersey Zip code within the city of New Brunswick and the county of Middlesex County. Its population is roughly 57,572.

The Real Estate Market in the 8901 Zip Code of New Brunswick, NJ

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 8901 Zip Code of New Brunswick, NJ

The zip code of 8901 in New Brunswick, NJ has a median home value of $157,000. This is higher than the national median home value of $127,500. The percentage of homes in this zip code that are valued at over $200,000 is also higher than the national percentage of homes that are valued at over $200,000.

There are a number of factors that could contribute to the high home values in this zip code. Some potential reasons include the fact that this area is located in a desirable location and there is a high demand for housing here. Additionally, many people who live in this zip code have earned high incomes which can help to support high home values.

Despite these factors, not everyone in this zip code enjoys high home values. There are also a number of people who live here who may not be able to afford such prices or who may not be able to qualify for mortgages that would allow them to purchase homes at these prices.

Overall, it appears that there is strong demand for housing in the 8901 zip code and consequently strong demand for homes that are priced at or above the national median value. While some people may not be able to afford these prices, it seems likely that most residents here do find them acceptable given the quality of life available in this area and the amenities available nearby.

Price Index: New York-Jersey City-White Plains, NY-NJ (MSAD)

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