Zip Code:

10469, Bronx, NY

10469 is a New York Zip code within the city of Bronx and the county of Bronx County. Its population is roughly 72,384.

The Real Estate Market in the 10469 Zip Code of the Bronx, New York

The 10469 zip code of Bronx, NY has a population of 1,898,827 and a median household income of $60,000. The home equity in this zip code is $1.5 trillion and the home prices are $2.4 trillion. This means that the home equity in this zip code is more than three times as high as the home prices.

There are many factors that contribute to the high home equity in this zip code. One reason is that there is a large number of affluent residents in this area who can afford to buy homes at high prices. Additionally, there are a lot of expensive homes available for sale here, which helps to drive up the value of homes overall.

Another factor contributing to the high home equity in this zip code is the fact that there are a lot of wealthy people living here who can invest their money into real estate projects or buy property outright. This allows for an increase in home values over time, even if there are occasional dips due to market fluctuations.

Overall, it is clear that the 10469 zip code of Bronx has some of the highest levels of home equity and home prices in all of New York City. This makes it an extremely desirable location for people looking to purchase or invest in property

Price Index: New York-Jersey City-White Plains, NY-NJ (MSAD)

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