Zip Code:

10524, Garrison, NY

10524 is a New York Zip code within the city of Garrison and the county of Putnam County. Its population is roughly 4,380.

The Real Estate Market in Garrison, NY

Home Equity in Garrison, NY

The average home equity in the 10524 zip code of Garrison, NY is $143,000. This is a decrease from the previous year when the average home equity was $158,000. The 10524 zip code has seen a decrease in home equity since 2007 when the average home equity was $183,000.

There are many factors that could be contributing to this decrease in home equity including:

-The economy has been struggling over the past few years and may be affecting homeowners’ ability to sell their homes for a higher value

-Many homeowners have taken out mortgages to purchase their homes and may not be able to refinance if interest rates increase

-Some Garrison residents are moving out of the area or have sold their homes and moved into rental properties which reduces their homeowner’s equity

-There are also a number of Garrison residents who have decided to downsize or move out of their homes altogether and no longer own them.

Price Index: Poughkeepsie-Newburgh-Middletown, NY

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