Zip Code:

10527, Granite Springs, NY

10527 is a New York Zip code within the city of Granite Springs and the county of Westchester County. Its population is roughly 925.

The Real Estate Market in the 10527 Zip Code of Granite Springs, New York

The 10527 zip code of Granite Springs, NY has a population of approximately 4,000. The median household income in this zip code is $92,000. The median home value in this zip code is $237,500.

As of September 2017, the rate of home equity growth in the 10527 zip code was 5.5%. This means that the average home value in this zip code has increased by 5.5% since September 2017. This rate of home equity growth is significantly higher than the national average rate of 2.1%.

One reason for the high rate of home equity growth in the 10527 zip code is that Granite Springs is a desirable location to live in. The city has a population density of only 8 people per square mile which makes it very easy to find a place to live and raise a family. Additionally, Granite Springs has many amenities that make it an enjoyable place to live including parks and recreational facilities, excellent schools, and low crime rates.

Another factor contributing to the high rate of home equity growth in the 10527 zip code is the fact that there are many homeowners who have taken advantage of low interest rates over the past few years. Many homeowners have been able to refinance their homes at lower interest rates which has allowed them to increase their home values faster than would have been possible if they had not refinanced their homes.

Price Index: New York-Jersey City-White Plains, NY-NJ (MSAD)

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