Zip Code:

10952, Monsey, NY

10952 is a New York Zip code within the city of Monsey and the county of Rockland County. Its population is roughly 42,063.

The Real Estate Market in the 10952 Zip Code of Monsey, NY

The 10952 zip code of Monsey, New York is located in the Southern Tier region of the state. The population of this zip code was 30,859 as of the 2010 census. The median household income in this zip code was $64,711 as of 2010. The median home value in this zip code was $242,000 as of 2010.

As of March 2011, there were an estimated 9,500 homes for sale in the 10952 zip code. This represented an inventory of 53 homes on the market for every 100 homes that were available for sale. This compares to an inventory ratio of 69 homes for every 100 homes that were available for sale as of December 2009. Over the past year (2010-2011), there has been a 6% decrease in the number of homes for sale and a 12% increase in the median home value in this zip code.

There are several factors that may have contributed to these changes in home values over time: increased demand due to strong job growth and low interest rates; increased demand due to low interest rates and limited supply; and decreased availability due to stricter lending criteria imposed by banks during the recent recession. It is also possible that some homeowners who had been refinancing their mortgages at high rates may now be unable or unwilling to do so at lower rates, leading to slower sales activity within this particular ZIP Code area.

Price Index: New York-Jersey City-White Plains, NY-NJ (MSAD)

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