Zip Code:

11234, Brooklyn, NY

11234 is a New York Zip code within the city of Brooklyn and the county of Kings County. Its population is roughly 93,534.

The Real Estate Market in the 11234 Zip Code of Brooklyn, NY

Brooklyn, NY is a borough of New York City. The 11234 zip code is located in the borough and includes neighborhoods such as Bedford-Stuyvesant, Crown Heights, East Flatbush, Brownsville, Bushwick and Sunset Park. Home prices in this zip code have increased significantly over the past few years due to an influx of new residents and investment. In March 2016, the median home price was $269,000 according to Zillow. This is up from $225,000 in March 2015 and $179,500 in March 2014.

The 11234 zip code has seen a large influx of new residents over the past few years due to its affordability and proximity to other popular neighborhoods in Brooklyn such as Crown Heights and East Flatbush. This has led to an increase in home values within this zip code. According to Zillow’s analysis of data from Trulia, the average home value increased by 10% between January 2016 and January 2017 alone. This trend is likely to continue as more people move into this area due to its affordable housing costs and strong economy.

One reason for the increase in home values within this zip code is that it is located near some of Brooklyn’s most popular neighborhoods such as Bedford-Stuyvesant and Crown Heights. These areas have seen significant growth over the past few years thanks to their proximity to Manhattan as well as other popular areas such as Williamsburg and Bushwick. As a result, many people are looking for properties within these neighborhoods when purchasing a home or investing in property thereon.

Another reason for the increase in home values within this zip code is that it has been designated a “high-growth” area by Realtor Magazine. This designation means that there are high levels of demand for homes within this area compared to other parts of Brooklyn or New York City overall. As a result, prices are likely going to continue increasing until there are more homes available for purchase or investment purposes – whichever comes first!

Price Index: New York-Jersey City-White Plains, NY-NJ (MSAD)

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