Zip Code:

11719, Brookhaven, NY

11719 is a New York Zip code within the city of Brookhaven and the county of Suffolk County. Its population is roughly 3,447.

Brookhaven's Real Estate Market

Brookhaven, NY is a suburban community located in Nassau County on Long Island. The 11719 zip code includes most of Brookhaven and extends into neighboring villages of Hempstead and Oyster Bay. As of the 2010 census, the population was 104,827.

The median home value in Brookhaven as of September 2012 was $547,000. This is above the statewide median home value of $269,500 but below the national median home value of $477,600. The percentage of homes with a mortgage in Brookhaven was lower than both the statewide and national percentages at 53%.

The average monthly mortgage payment for a home in Brookhaven as of September 2012 was $1,711. This is lower than both the statewide average monthly mortgage payment ($2,584) and national average monthly mortgage payment ($2,896). The percentage of homeowners who pay more than 30% of their income on their mortgage is also lower in Brookhaven than both statewide (14%) and national (20%) rates.

There are several factors that may contribute to higher home values in Brookhaven relative to other communities on Long Island or nationwide:

-Location – Located within close proximity to Manhattan and other major metropolitan areas makes it an attractive location for those looking to purchase a home outside traditional suburban neighborhoods.

-Population growth – Since 2000, population growth within this zip code has outpaced that of both Nassau County as a whole (5%) and New York State as a whole (3%).

-Low interest rates – Low interest rates have helped to increase affordability for potential buyers while also supporting long term investment returns for those who are able to borrow money against their homes.

Price Index: Nassau County-Suffolk County, NY (MSAD)

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