Zip Code:

11743, Huntington, NY

11743 is a New York Zip code within the city of Huntington and the county of Suffolk County. Its population is roughly 41,878.

The Real Estate Market in the 11743 Zip Code of Huntington, NY

Huntington, NY is located in the 11743 zip code. According to the 2010 census, Huntington has a population of 10,906. The median household income in Huntington was $75,821. Home prices in Huntington averaged $269,000 between 2009 and 2013. In 2013, the average home value was $291,500.

Huntington is a primarily residential community with a small commercial center located at the junction of Routes 17 and 20. The community is served by two schools: Huntington Central School and Huntington Middle School. There are also several churches and recreational facilities available for residents' use.

The 11743 zip code has a high concentration of homeowners who have equity in their homes relative to their overall wealth levels (i.e., they owe less on their mortgages than their homes are worth). This is likely due to the strong economy that has prevailed in Huntington over the past few years; as such, more people have been able to take advantage of low interest rates and increase their home equity holdings over time. As a result, there is currently little or no demand for homes within this zip code on the market (as seen by the relatively low number of active listings). This situation may change in future as more people reach retirement age and begin to downsize or sell their homes; however, it is difficult to predict exactly when/how this will happen.

Overall, home prices within the 11743 zip code are relatively stable compared to other areas of New York State; however, there can be significant variation from one area of town to another (due to factors such as location – near major highways vs rural areas – as well as historical trends). As such, it would be advisable for potential buyers/sellers to do their own research before making an offer on any property within this zip code."

Price Index: Nassau County-Suffolk County, NY (MSAD)

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