Zip Code:

11930, Amagansett, NY

11930 is a New York Zip code within the city of Amagansett and the county of Suffolk County. Its population is roughly 882.

Real Estate in the 11930 Zip Code of Amagansett, NY

The 11930 zip code of Amagansett, NY has a median home value of $1,527,000 and a median home equity value of $717,000. This is significantly higher than the national median home value of $177,500 and the national median home equity value of $351,100. The 11930 zip code also has a significantly higher percentage of homes with a mortgage than the national average (77% vs. 63%).

One reason for this high level of homeownership in the 11930 zip code is likely its low levels of unemployment and poverty. In 2017, the unemployment rate in Amagansett was 2.4%, which is lower than both the statewide unemployment rate (3.9%) and the national unemployment rate (4.1%). Similarly, in 2018, the poverty rate in Amagansett was 8.2%, which is lower than both the statewide poverty rate (14%) and the national poverty rate (12%). These low levels of unemployment and poverty are likely contributing factors to why homes in this zip code are so valuable.

Another factor that may be contributing to high levels of homeownership in this zip code is its high levels of education attainment. In 2017, nearly half (47%)of adults living in the 11930 zip code had at least a college degree, which is significantly higher than both the statewide percentage (35%)andthenational percentage(29%). This high levelofeducation attainmentlikely contributes tothehighlevelsofhomeownershipinthiszipcode.

Price Index: Nassau County-Suffolk County, NY (MSAD)

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